The Reserve Bank of India was established on April 1, 1935 following the Reserve Bank of India Act of 1934. Though privately owned initially, it was nationalised in 1949 and since then fully owned by the Ministry of Finance , Government of India (GoI)
RBI modeled its official logo on the double mohur of The East India Company. The logo originally contained the Lion and Palm Tree but later it was decided to replace the lion with a tiger to better represent India.
The symbol contains, one inner circle, Bengal Tiger, Palm Tree and Devanagari and English words, which may represent,
1. Circle: A circle has no beginning or end, It has no limits, representing the free movement of Power.
2. Royal Bengal Tiger: The Bengal tiger plays an important role in Indian Tradition, It was used in the Indus Valley Civilization, the Chola Empire and is now the National Animal of India.
3. Palm Tree: The palm head appears to be compared to a shining sun with symbolic meanings such as fame, truth, importance, vitality, warmth, fertility, expansion, protection, longing, attainment, union, resurrection and singleness of purpose.
4. Devanagari and English: These two language scripts were used to write the RBI summary.

The Banknote Society